Pullus v Washington post

V arhivu washingtonpost.com smo prebrali članek, ki hvali Pullus. Zapisali so:

"..Even more exciting were two whites from Pullus in Slovenia: The 2008 Pinot Grigio was redolent of apricot and peach, a great contrast to the typical bland Italian pinot grigio. The 2009 Pullus Sauvignon Blanc was even better, showing some of the grassy edginess of the grape and loads of passion-fruit flavor. Both wines should retail for about $15.

Such discoveries make festivals like this weekend’s more than just a wine tasting — they can be an adventure."

Celoten članek je na ogled na http://voices.washingtonpost.com/all-we-can-eat/wine/-caption-source-making-the.html

Spletna stran: www.pullus.si